The chair has made it home and was placed in front of the fireplace. It is a grand vision, one that probably has been seen by many from the 1700’s to the 1900’s as necessity. Even [...]
More rain…but at least it is warm. I am physically tired and my body is griping about the amount of physical labor it is being asked to do. These chairs are ton of work. We were in the [...]
The rain is back! It has been a gentle and soothing background noise while sitting on the woodworking porch while working on the seat spindles. At least the mosquitoes are fewer because of the [...]
The weather today was something close to perfection. I am hearing that we will have rain tomorrow and also Friday. For some reason the mosquitoes have come out and are swarming (they do not [...]
The rain finally let up last night. This morning the fog was pretty intense, but was beautiful laying in the low valleys. The higher mountain tops were still visible over the fog, for a very [...]
Ok, still raining here, been raining for 2 straight days, and they are calling for more of the same today. Maybe I should have taken a boat building class! So today we are scheduled to continue [...]
Class started this evening for my Windsor Chair journey. I will post throughout the week about the progress of making my very first chair! This project is at the top of my woodworking bucket [...]
The class has finished and we had great projects completed by each student! Bill and I had a blast with this group of students, the class was very supportive of each other, and we met some very [...]